&hint1=I am a 20th century sculpture by David Hammons& &hint2=I am adorned with gold and am tinted with the colors of the African liberation flag& &hint3=I am an object created from refuse drawn from the street& &hint4=I am one of a series of works based on my artist finding a piece of elephant dung at a circus& &choices=Shield of Quality;Elephant Dung Sculpture;Mirror, Mirror;Guarded Conditions;Self-Portrait Exaggerating My Negroid Features;What You Lookin' At& &answer=Elephant Dung Sculpture& &search=Elephant Dung Sculpture& &title=Elephant Dung Sculpture& &artist=David Hammons& &medium=Elephant dung, tin foil, chain& &date=1978& &location=Jack Titton Gallery, New York& &dimensions=7 1/4" x 7"&